Grievance Redressal Cell
The aim to establish the Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) is to consider the complaints lodged by any student and redress it as per institutional norms. The student can state their grievance regarding any academic and non-academic issues within the campus online or may drop her complaint in suggestion box put up in the campus, with full contact details. The institution aims at solving the grievances of the students within stipulated time regarding academic or non- academic matter within the campus.

Objective of the cell
The aim to establish this cell is to maintain harmony and discipline in the campus. It has been established to settle the genuine problems of the students and other stakeholders, if any, within a reasonable time period of 7 to 15 days.
The institution has constituted Grievance Redressal Cell as per the guidelines of the UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2018:


S. No Name Designation
1 Ms. Reena Singhal Chairman
2 Ms. Yogeshwari Convener
3 Mr. Lokendra Sharma Member
4 Priya Pandey Member


Mechanism of the GRC-
1. The cell shall consider the complaints lodged by stakeholder individually.
2. The cell shall not consider any grievance of general applicability or of collective nature
raised collectively by more than one stakeholder.
3. On receipt of the complaint the committee will decide to take-up the matter on its merit.
4. The cell may mediate between the complainant and the defendant against whom the complaint has been made.
5. The cell will submit its report to the Principal through IQAC.
6. The decision shall be communicated to the stakeholder immediately.

Procedure for lodging complaint:

  • The students can lodge their grievance through online mechanism in the link provided below-CLICK HERE for lodging grievance.
  • The students may drop the complaint in writing in the suggestion box.
  • The Grievance Cell will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary/ supporting documents.